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Do I own the rights to the music I create on Audiotool?

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Uh question, I'm sorry but I don't know where to ask this but do I own the rights to the songs I create on Audiotool, because recently one of my YouTube music videos of a song that I made here on Audiotool was copyright claimed even though I can confirm that I made 100% of it. I then found out that the person who was copyrighting me stole my song and distributed it on YouTube and is now making profit off of a song that I created without my permission. So I wanna know if I have the licenses and rights required to be able to contest it. This is really urgent matter so please respond as fast as possible. Thanks.

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  • I contacted the distribution service the person used to publish the song and the issue now seems to be resolved. Thanks to everyone for the help.

  • I forgot this Convo still went

    • I think they did but we're not sure yet, eshaan hasn't told us

    • did you get the rights back, i looked it up and saw that person is very in the wrong here if you have enough evidence you can get the rights back

  • honestly i dont know much still a teen but id bring this to court if possible, or email this person and tell them that they have falsley given you a copyright strike even though they themselves should get it, ( im also pretty sure what they did is illegal so yeah)

  • i would help with this, but i have no idea how...

  • Could you post a link to those videos?

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  • also, you do have rights to your track even if it's CC-BY-SA. that license does not mean public domain. and you don't need to register with the copyright office to own your track (in the form that it was uploaded.) you have inherent rights to the audio file upon creating it

    under CC-BY-SA, they must credit you and distribute their version under the same license. so what they're doing is infringement and as long as you can prove you're the original creator (which should be pretty easy) you can fix this

  • So uh, turns out the stolen song was distributed to all streaming platforms with copyright on it.. Idk what I'm supposed to do to get it taken down... This is my song that I made that someone else is getting profit from

    • Thank you for offering help, the situation is now resolved :)

    • yeah, man! I just had this happen and while it's really tough to get ahold of anybody from these services, they generally are really quick to get you taken care of (even as a smaller artist!)

      I had some of my stuff put up on spotify and was able to get my account verified and get all of my tracks back. Unfortunately this is getting more common for artists everywhere! I'm super late to the party, but I can help you through the process if you'd like.

    • good thing I actually save my music files so I have the date I made them

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  • Depends on the license you published your track under.

    • you are if you have good evidence

    • It's CC BY-SA, but like the thing is that the person who stole my song published it to YouTube using a distribution service and has copyrighted it even though it is my song, so I'm not sure if I am able to contest with the current license that my track is published under.

  • Ok thanks

  • you do

    • yeah you're good then

    • The only samples I used are one shots that are made by new loops and they are safe ones

    • unless you used any samples that you didn't have permission to use but for the most part you should be fine

  • he has to ask for before he can do it, he also has to credit you for making the song

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