Remix Comp Winners!

Total playing time: 0:18:55

###8th Place

In 8th (or last), we have [titik](https://www.audiotool.com/user/tikowun) with [44 distraction](https://www.audiotool.com/track/tq0k2cxc/)

I dont have a clue what you are aiming for here. The song just fades in with some strange thing repeating. I also don't have a clue what genre you are aiming for, whether it be Experimental or something. I just didn't like it overall, and *why did you want to break all the rules????* I'll never know.


###7th Place

In 7th, we have [Signature](https://www.audiotool.com/user/gardilsd/) with [Jake5954 Remix Comp! entry](https://www.audiotool.com/track/tc29fl19j38/)

Honestly, it's not that bad. The reason that you're low is because of just one thing. I hate that chord drop at the end. It sounds so weird. If you did a steady beat at the end, you would have placed higher. But other than that, good job man!


###6th Place

In 6th, we have [LRider](https://www.audiotool.com/user/lrider/) with [LRiders Jake5954 Remix Comp entry](https://www.audiotool.com/track/8283b54it/)

This was amazing! Some things I don't like about it are:

- Keeps Repeating

- Has a setup very related to the normal

- The bass was clipping quite a lot.

But I think you blew in to throw everyone away. For sure. Great work.


###5th Place

In 5th, we have [MAURA](https://www.audiotool.com/user/zerisix01/) with [Jake5954 Comp (MAURA ENTRY)](https://www.audiotool.com/track/nxq11qbnjl/)

I feel bad you wern't able to finish it. It was amazing. The intro just starts as simple plucks but grows into steady chords. I like that. But unlike the others, this was more advanced from before. It was very nice as well, however, some clipping might have hurt it a bit.


###4th Place

In 4th, we have [al prog](https://www.audiotool.com/user/alprog/) with [ants dont feel safe at home](https://www.audiotool.com/track/cgckjx6p/)

Honestly, it's not bad. It could use a little work though, but other than that, I love it. Epic work bro, i think you have done well.


###3rd Place

In 3rd, we have [Sharpie](https://www.audiotool.com/user/dubshock/) with [Bedlam](https://www.audiotool.com/track/kxqvd31vaw/)

Great work of Bass Music here. Something i loved is how the bass growled. It just builds up constantly. Well, not exactly, but still. I love it. Great work mon garcon! I might want more!

###2nd Place

In 2nd, we have [Hurakan](https://www.audiotool.com/user/hurakan/) with [Jake5954 Remix Comp! hurakan entry](https://www.audiotool.com/track/oubt3cexgz/)

Wow. This is the first time I have like HEARD bass music out of you. Something I ponder over time is....... HOW DO YOU MAKE THAT!!!!! Also making 300 followers in just a few months is stunning. This may not be the first time, and ***you didn't have to do it in 30 mins!*** Lol. Insanely awesome job. I love it. And the best thing is that #7 chart. :)


OKAY SO HERE YOU HAVE IT!!! THE BEST ONE!!!!!!! I just loved this one crazy.


###1st Place

And in 1st, we have [ApoC](https://www.audiotool.com/user/lucimusic080/) with [Jake5954 Comp (ApoC Remix)](https://www.audiotool.com/track/2xw4y92xo5q/)

NO WAY! This made me fall in love right from the start. All the effects you used paid off here. I wonder what the lead synth you used in the outro. The build up was very nice, with the uneven kicks. And a #1 chart too! Amazing job here! I would love to see more!


Closing words

I bet everyone worked their butts off to create this. I wanna say thanks... as this is the largest remix comp I got! The others I got only one or two entries. So thanks everyone! For amazing songs! For your entries! And your help to make on my sound track.


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