TINYGAIN 07: i hallucinated imagery

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Whenever I'm alone with music I have a tendency to daydream. I usually build strong attachments to people's work out of the visualizations they've lured from my mind, so for this issue I'd like to share some bits of my imagination alongside the tracks that triggered it.


[[embed:https://www.audiotool.com/track/0fpqdwhj/]] Love's thorns; a safe haven between circles of hell; the beauty of what is and the ache of all that could've been. Bittersweet notes flavor this soundtrack to a troubled night. I'm reminded of Resident Evil 4's save room theme and I empathize with the horror of safety. Reality infiltrates the mind when silence sinks in and you're forced to confront what shouldn't be real. But then that word: relinquish. I think of love--how beautiful and scary and painful and exciting it is to relinquish parts of yourself to someone else. To me, the track transcribes the human experience in drones of retrospection. It's pretty, it's uneasy, it's melancholy; it's everything.


[[embed:https://www.audiotool.com/track/mg1jxuyxg4v/]] Sounds of the universe eating itself. This track disturbs me because it provokes my imagination too vividly. I picture a cosmic cancer folding reality into itself like crumbling a piece of paper. When the echo of its scream approaches, this is the sound. A shadow of nothing swallows the sun, and every light alive scorches the air fluorescent like a neon sign. Structures resting on the horizon start to stretch infinitely towards a colossal mouth of bent space. Everything grieves.



[[embed:https://www.audiotool.com/track/uyhlcdcews/]] The ambience of an early 2010s horror game. Do you remember Dungeon Nightmares? To make sure my comparison was accurate I replayed like half of a level. It's so dated it borders on parody but it still manages to be pretty scary at points. Regardless, this track is similar to what plays as you're exploring the dungeon. When you're near the monster (apparently named Mary), the theme disappears and you're left with only the sounds of your heartbeat. As the track ends, I anticipate my encounter with Mary in the silence.

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  • I used to be able to do that. I swear I could imagine places that vividly I could feel the surrounding environment on my skin. The temperature, wind and clear imagery of places. The last time I was able to do that is in the beginning of last winter, during a little concert, after years of not picturing any place while listening. It's the most beautiful thing and I miss feeling like that a lot nowadays. I think that changed as I aged and my imaginativeness naturally decreased. But it's OK. I still get there. Rarely, but I do.

    • It's just nice to see someone else has this imagination. It always catches me by suprise if I "see" something and it usually sends shivers down my spine. And with it always comes this really strong sense of longing.

  • Ah man, I'm so glad I get to peek inside your mind for this

    This was really enlightening, thank you!

  • i am glad you included pherogoo's song, i find it disturbing in a way that draws me in. really, i like this issue of tinygain you did. music that evokes emotion is an art in and of itself.

    • been wanting to include it in an issue since the beginning. it's a great track!!

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