How to rightly get your music noticed!

  • 31
  • 156

The objective

Everyone wants to be popular. It's an inescapable force build into humankind. It's what drives us to adapt certain personas, or take up certain hobbies; to be noticed by fellow humans, hierarchies, or even those who have already achieved this so-called 'popularity'. But... how can you get popular on Audiotool? You've come to the right place!

The problem

One of the most logical ways to get plays, likes, and inevitably, followers, would be to link your track to the masses of this site, right?? Well, the answer is simple. No. That method of promotion is simply called; spamming. A good majority of the website do not like this. It can lead to you being blocked from posting on other people's walls/tracks, and even cause you to lose all respect from the artists on this site, those artists being your target audience. This has happened time and time again on the site, and, although in some cases specific artists do not mind you 'spamming' them your works, it is not a widely accepted way of getting your tracks, and you as an artist, noticed.

So, what on earth can I do??

Well, that question is actually really easy to answer. Talk to people. Engage in the community. Offer heartfelt - yet, not hypercritical - feedback on other people's tracks. Strive to make friends, earn respect, and, however slowly, you will see your audience start to grow. Now, of course, the quality of your music is going to have an immense impact on the size of your audience. So, you should always try your utmost to produce a well polished, likeable track, before you set out to gain a follower base. This is important because people will most likely check your work while conversing with you, thus you want your work to be at its highest quality to ensure the majority of listeners will not be disappointed. This method might not be the most convenient way to gain a fanbase, but you can't reap without first sewing. You have to set out with a purpose and fulfil that purpose to the best of your ability to reap the best rewards. Stick to your aim, and eventually, you'll get what you set out for.

Anything else?

Well, you can always feel free to talk to me for more advice on this subject, I am always willing to check out other artist's work, offer critique and help you on your musical journey. Ask other popular artists for their advice too, but don't get discouraged if you don't get any reply. Just carry on doing your best, and soon all that effort that you put in will all be worth it.


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  • Shame this doesn’t work anymore

    • Shii lmb your first

    • Not everyone man. I'm still in the same mentality as when I started making music on this site years ago. I constantly need to improve and get better because unfortunately if I'm not at a certain level with the quality of my music then I'm not going to be acknowledged or seen. I've stepped away from that mentality though recently and I'm just making music as a hobby for me and a small handful of my friends. I'm lucky to even receive a compliment on my music or anything related.

    • Thats just because everyone thinks their music is on top. Me personally, if these were here during the prime of this site, things would be way different. I still go back nd listen to the classics just for inspo. People need to learn how to be humble.

      I've always said music comes from the heart.

    3 more
  • oh nevermind

    he not gone

    just dumb link

  • i love how the page says not to spam but i got here from someone spamming this page link

  • Im shitting yourself

  • Funny fact: when someone links this useful post, they say "fuck off".

  • *just a fucking link to some shady site appears*

  • Yes definitely make friends. On my old account I barely had any and I only got 15 followers in the almost year I was on. Now I have a LOT more and I'm more successful.

  • or you could just have ncs rip your track

  • I don't really understand why so many great musicians on Audiotool do so little (or sometimes nothing at all) to promote their music "offsite", on social media - be it Facebook for the elderly (ha ha), be it TikTok, Instagram or Youtube.

    I strongly believe there is a lot of unleashed potential both for you artists as well as for us as the Audiotool family alltogether.

    • Mehhhhhhhhh

    • because if they really are the best, they deserve to only gain popularity from the truest of forms.

      from the ground up, not through ads.

    • Hey, this is a great point! I think it's likely that a lot of those fantastic artists are just less interested in music promotion as they are music production. Also prolly has a lot to do with some of those great musicians waiting for someone else to promote their music instead of doing it themselves.

      Particularly on audiotool, there are a LOT of really cool, also really young artists who just don't seem to have the proper recourses to get their product promoted "in a proper manner", so they don't try.

      Also good facebook joke.

  • Meanwhile on BandLab: Link to a track every 2 comments.

  • does anybody have any advice on music production?

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  • self-promotion can be based tho. sometimes just waiting for people to give you attention is cringe

    • The best way to self promote is to do it occasionally on site and on self promo forums like on Reddit.

    • yeah but if you self promote too much you'll get muted and then nobody will give you attention

  • yee i got my first follower from A SINGLE COMMENT (no kiddin bro)

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