Had some fun in that bridge section.

Biggest one yet.

-after listening to it for a week, i heard all the things that i needed to fix.

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  • ok

  • do you now Lirry he is a skire porsen he wens a frend he movs avetang and the boy frends blamd him in the other boy sed thath the boy did not do it Lirry did his oerm was repd a rend his nek he kold fille it he did not went tok to his mom the nexxt day later the boy got tokin by Lirry

  • syntax

  • can you hir me now

  • Six years later and still no link to the game. DISAPPOINTED.

    • Oh you're right I totally missed it. Oh well.

    • its down there syntax, it just got removed from the store lol

  • ow the high ends hurt my ears where da mids lol

  • cool

  • great!

  • Can anyone say Wubwubwub?

  • Did anyone actually check that game link? i wasn't lying. I know it was stolen from Astrum, not vice versa, the reason i had so many !!!!'s in the comment awhile back was cause i was like, dang, your music is so good that someone took it and put it in an app. Gives you some attention as well as AT, even if people think you stole it.

  • Now for the song that deserves to be one of the most famous ever on AT 'cuz of how FRAKKING AHEAD OF TIME IT WAS!!!

  • I felt good about my music until I listened to this... Bro, this is epic!!!

  • holy shit

  • ur not playing

  • dis made me dance u r one of my fav people on audiotool