Artwork by . Probably my last edit for a while since I'm off to camp for 2 weeks, but glad I finished

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  • Yee the beginning is definitely jazzy, then it turned into abstract cx This is still amazing though. Hate that I actually missed listening to this when it came out :c

  • Dude I am totally digging this oh my god.

  • back when I was good whoa

  • refave

  • Geht it. cuz yer abstract.

  • An abstract octopus, that is.

  • Did not know the pic was supposed to be an octopus.

  • dat's frijid

  • ha screw that. I worked hard to make it, I ain't about to give it out (at least yet)

  • thanks NKG :)

  • °O°

  • Reminds me of KOAN Sound! And the beginning made me think of the pink panther hehehe

  • Sounds Awesome

    Is Like Dubstep And Glitch Hop At The Same Time

    Well IDK If There Is Such Thing As Glitchstep but if there isn't such thing then i maded it up

  • I dig, but you should've changed up the low synth by 1:30 , to keep interest. But great track other than that!