Started by Wolflund (everything blue) and finished by Bish y Dev (everything in purple) with a little help from Uprising (orange) <3

So I wanted to add a little scene to this. This song kind of reminds me of spies attempting to act normal. Doesn't it? All snooping around but acting like an every-day person? Hididng their lives from the public eye? Lol, maybe I just think too much :3 -Bish y Dev(:

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  • xddd

  • Lol, go ahead Thedoctor (: and if u wanna rap to it, be my guest (;

  • If you want to remix you can but have to ask the other people

  • If I remix, would anyone care. It might be a w-hile (said in stewie style with emphasis on the h) before I do though.

  • this track is cool, starting a .48 to 1.04 sounds like that could be made into its own track for rapping to. The drum beat, the snyth, I'm telling ya, Rap track for sure. Overall the rest of the track is real good too. But that tune/melody really caught my attention. Great Collab

  • thx!

  • you can hear were the hi-hat came from ;) good track

  • thank you!!! <3

  • AWESOME song! Also like the pic

  • thanks for helping<3

  • good work yall

  • hey, thanks(:

  • love the builds

  • this is so sick, love the work on hats and bass, the melody is aweomse i may say the automations i bet are used so much

  • aww thanks!! <3