Big thanks to hellbaay for inviting me to join this remix album. here is the original, be sure to listen to it.


the stems were provided by hellbaay and also thanks to Icebox for helping me put them in :D.


This is probably one of the weirdest type of drops i ever made myself. hope ya'll enjoy it. And stay tuned when they pub it onto Streaming platforms.

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  • love it


  • After hearing two remixes, I would like a hype version of this song, like with brass horns and a nice reese :)

    • sounds like a good idea

    • Bass House, that was what I was thinking of

  • yoyoyo wait this is dope

  • this is cool, but I just couldn't get INTO it. You were right these drops are weird but I like that they feel so abstract lol Nice work though! Interesting composition, and a good job on the vocals! those reverb effects and pitch effects were awesome! Did someone make those edits in AT or another software? Cool sounds overall. Second drop is my fave

    • Ayyyyyy same

    • It means a lot for you taking the time to answer my questions :) I appreciate it

    • Thanks bro! It means alot to me

    4 more
  • The drop made in shit in my pant, I couldn't handle it any more...LoL this the best drop ever!

    • shitting ur pants, the best thing to do at 3AM

    • I made in shit in my pant

    • I meant made me not made in. Sorry can't type lol.

  • Mix is damn clean. So is the sound design, I approve!

    • that idea is cool, but that increases the chances of making it clip and dirtier, which was what i was not going for

    • You could make the 808 in the second drop thiccer to make it have more impact, like distort it a little bit and put an exciter and boom, super beefy bass that has a lot of weight to increase the impact of the second drop

      But ghadam, this is dope asf

    • Gotta agree with client, but i see the style you're going for

      And you're getting better at doing this "develipment structure" in your tracks, just keep on practising and you'll master it in no time :D

    3 more
  • Whoa 5 minutes of pure fire

    • the vocal there, that's Zerotwo's Darling. Not the main vocal xD

    • There can be some ear piercing moments tho, and some of the drums are clipping (like that intro cinematic hit), but those verse drums are clean mann

      I see how you took a sort of minimalistic approach for the first part, love that because it sounds really clean, vocal at 01:50 does sound off key tho

      Nonetheless, ear candy man, love the attention to detail in this one!

  • omfg :0