Fair point. I want to assume everything is the same but if it is, at the end of that day, the difference in quality could simply come down to something as simple as bitrate. The rest is just in how convenient either of them are to use and their versatility in the tasks they're being used for which can be somewhat subjective. They're All just tools in a box imo 😊
I don't care if it's faster it's more fun/rewarding to build and craft a sound than just have it handed to you. It's the entire point as to why i like music and why still stick here
as i've gotten older it comes in waves and creating music is very weird.
It's honestly weird how long it's been since i started. I used to make several tracks a day nonstop for years then i just grew up and starting to perfect my stuff more and just fall apart. It's just interesting to look back at what i used to do compared to what i do now. It takes me months to finish something now from the ground up and even then i have to get a good idea to even start.
Constantly evolution on how to get things to work.
For me mastering/mixing something on AT is something i do as i go and streamline it. It tends to be extremely easy for me and just a "flick of the wrist" then again i can never be sure if i'm good or not. doesn't help that i have been doing it for 8 years now
a lot of the basses i make now are based off of recreating basses from tutorials for serum/vital into AT, ofc its limiting and i dont judge you for abandoning it one bit, but theres still a shit ton of possibility here
for example, if you set unison to 4, and the detune on 10cents, you can detune it again on master tuning, so heisen 1 has -20cent, heisen 2 has -10, then 10 and 20 to create 16 or more voices like serum.