Ahhh. A song filled with overcompression, packed drum beats and sax. My failed attempt to make a bump.

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  • dope

  • Ok let me pull out some "failed drafts" too

  • You have my blessing

  • i loved this kind of glitched drums which came out

  • Lol Failed Draft ?!

    Man this is Beautiful ..... Amazing Track ....

  • I actually fuck with this

  • Yeah me too. I have a lot of failed drafts.

  • I have like 1000 songs like these...

  • shoot, you are making me want to publish some "failed drafts"...

  • I believe compression can be an art of its own

    It literally is the fundamental component for quite a few genres

    sound and rhythmic silence, a beautiful combination

    excellent track!

  • When I was first making this I thought it was the ISH...