Sometimes we need a moment to stop and relax. A little time to remember where we are in time and space. Just a brief instant to appreciate that our individual realities are as good as we make them to be.

So let's just... chill.

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  • I would try adding effects to spice it up if you no what I mean.

    And the beat at 1:37 does not seem to fit I would simplify it.

  • @Infyuthsion Thanks for the feedback. I def agree. When I made it I was trying out something new and wasn't sure if adding anything else was gonna mud up the sound. I will definitely take your advise with my next attempt. Again, thanks.

  • Feels a bit empty, could use a bit of a bassline and a chunkier beat. It's pretty decent but it feels like it's missing something

  • Thank you!

  • awesome and great atmosphere (sorry 4 my bad english).