Nobody has done anything like this, so I did!

Made this in Guitar Pro 6, then uploaded midi, touched up and arranged.

THANKS to everyone whose sounds I used, because I am an awful synth programmer.

Warning! Not approved for human consumption!

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  • And it is a pleasure to hear that you like my music, btw. :) I really like your musik too, and this one actually kind of reminds me about my first compositions I made in an old notation program called "Encore".

  • Chaotic in a good way. Very interesting to listen to, it's a lot of things going on all the time. Nice work! :)

  • Over 1000!

  • Almost 1,000 listens! Thanks everyone!

  • Wow!

  • Thanks. I do like Frigolito!

  • very funny and groovy sound ! youe stuff remind me an audiotooler that you could like :


  • Creative, i like it

  • Thank you. Follow!

  • Awesome.

  • How is it that I got over 400 in one day on this song? Is someone screwing with me?

  • Thank you, tornsage. Tell your friends.

  • awesome - i dig it :)

  • Thanks dude. I have to reinstall skype bc I had to reformat my hard drive. But later today I'll try to get in touch. what's your skype name?

  • wow, very happy and upbeat