Another old unpublished one, I remember spending a lot of time on this one. I wanted to post the original idea for this one now so I can modify it more in the future as a separate version, because I'm no longer in that same state of mind creatively and so I feel as though I should honor that older self's viewpoint rather than erase and corrupt it before sharing it.

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  • real nice

  • This is emotional and very deep, I love it! It is kinda scary yet beautiful! <3

    Im glad you arent in that state of mind anymore, lots of love and support sent your way!!

  • I like how dark this is. Glad you're in s better state of mind, but glad you didn't delete this

    • Yeah. I have to say, I really enjoy toeing that line between really dark shit with that nice sound I tend to find pretty in one way or another, I love getting that duality in stuff more than anything else I think. It's becoming increasingly hard to do though to be honest, hopefully I'll be able to show a lot more contradiction going forward lol

  • awesome