Today's it was a radiant sunny day. All seems different when the sun is shining bright. All smells good and every unknown faces seems a little bit more happier thanks to the warm touch of the star. So, i decided to named it like this, because days like today rules.

Sonnig is Sunny in Deustch (Tx Google's Trans)

Edited: snares and military drums corrected

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  • awesome!! :) really nice

  • this reminds me a bit like my older stuff... always soo happy.... then dubstep came :P anyways this really put me in a good mood :)

  • while.... the beginning synth by itself I really hated :/ but later it turned out to be alright :P great song man! I also like the detuned piano. @ 1:00 I dig this solo synth!!! howd you make those drums??? those are excelent!!

  • hmmm it is a good idea jace ( i mean, TopHat...woah rareee! haha) anyways, yes it is a good idea, sounds good. I tried it and i like how it sounds. That's somekind of things i never realized by myself if you don't said it to me. Thanks dude, i apreciated this kind of comments.

  • the detuned piano is so cute! haha it works for my ears! I like your bass under all of it, but boost it up a little! add a nice subtle distortion to it and slap on an EQ to boost the ranges between 75-125hz so we can feel that bad boy. nice work! I really enjoyed this, it put a smile on my face!

  • Mmm..weird, today sounds me good that snare...maybe i was tired of listening this one yesterday...def, it's a weird song hahaha

  • yep well done...and i agree also for the snare...maybe change it directly :)

  • Thanks guys. Yeah Cripta its like you said :D i'm happy you realize it. On the intro the main synth is slowly detuned and started with the rest of the elements. I work a lot to found that detuned sensation. And it was hard. But now i found two thinks tomorrow i need to fix. That snare in 0.32 is too cutting, dont fit with that feeling i said, maybe need some reverb level adjustment and the same for those military drums.

  • excellent work !!

  • Nice song :)

  • oh that's weird...seems some element are out of tune...or very very detuned... or sharp or flat notes...and i don't know why it sounds great anyway :)