I don't know if I'll keep writing elctronic music for the summer after I put this out there. Everybody should know I appreciate all input. Oh, and this one is a free download.

Genre anyone? Progressive? House?

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  • good chord work! if you want some advice: push the bpm up to about 124, progressive house is usually a bit faster..

  • might reopen and do some more work on the bass and drums and fx. I love the melodic stuff, just not the eqing for the fx and percussion section

  • Sweet pads! Keep it up!

  • thanks guys. I may or may not retire for the summer

  • Cool stuff.

  • this is wonderful, so up beat & happy!!! I love the muted BA$$ as well dude!

  • Though in my opinion the bass sounds a bit too low, distorting them a bit, I like it.

  • nice arps :)

  • Republished

    just added vocals to the end