if (comment == "Nice Song")




// Dem programming skillz tho

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  • :O

    that's awesome! Can you show me an example of a game you've made?

  • Yeah, I make LWJGL games and shit so yeah, Feel free to ask for anything java.

  • -jar 'app.jar' cookie cookie cookie sivarastudios cookie


    You have liked SivaraStudios.

  • public class Main{

    int String[] stringcookies = new String[5];

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{

    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){

    stringcookies[i] = args[i];


    if (stringcookies[4].equal("sivarastudios")){System.out.println("You have liked SivaraStudios.");}


  • By the way the second 'have' = hate.

  • Hahaha Java! I love it! I only recently have become proficent in it, but i still have the audiotool midi read applet, since it wont read any of my novation products! Let see if we could colab some time.