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  • i'd like to see more synth work, but the sample arrangement is pretty good

  • How u invite me to ur track and ill publish it Deal?

  • It's chilled i like but the only i don't is the duration that's all im gonna i aint megacritc but im good with honesty tho

  • Yes i can but i'm not using My old that was set three years ago.

  • or every 10 days

    • and i was planning to drop it in like 2 hours or so

    • i been working on something so you know

  • its nice

  • stop making me miss adventure time even more.

  • I only fav his comment because of the spam part. But listen here every 10 beats you can spam my wall. It's gonna take a little longer than 2 months to get a good ear if you're just starting out.

  • NIce my man

  • Well, if you want my honest opinion, I say my first criticism is that you seem to have spamming this all over walls, I see you're relatively new but that is typically fround upon. My second piece of criticism is that your drums have no texture that help alter the overall balance of the track. Your drums also do not fit all to well because this feels forced. You should allow creativity come to you, don't force yourself to work with something just because it sounds decent.

    1 more
  • IM vibing hard to thiss

  • Hey, this is a pretty good one mate.

  • maybe change the drums? idk

  • i like how different it is. i like the sample too

  • this is lit!