s l e e p

99 Followers 42 Following Joined about 5 months ago

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  • I see you have the Faith as well in Our Lord God. God Bless you friend. That really did me some good reading that.

    Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on. your own understanding; in all your ways submit to. Him, and He will make your paths straight".

    Love it. Glad you included that in your Bio Friend. All the more reason, for real, whenever you can, you should go check my latest track out. "Heaven is for Real"

  • Dude, for real, if you get a chance, you should humor me and go check out my latest track.

    It's called "Heaven is for Real" It's Ambient, Atmospheric sounds accompanied shortly after with a Beat. Yes, it's Drum and Bass. Now, I'm not sure if your just against having a beat behind the sleepy relaxing sounds or what, but I feel like this track of mine would be right up your alley with the sounds your all about. I bet you know that there are Hrs and Hrs of relaxing sleep tunes on Youtube

    • Oh and by the way, I love what you wrote uptop. "Cool People" I'm really good friends with Snadbrugen, Kepz, and Chronoes, whom is now going by their AudioTool Alternate Alias Profile named "Jonas" , which I really liked too for their AudioTool Alias. LOL... Just to confirm in case of any confusion, Chronoes is also Jonas. Which I also recently started following.

  • Hey Mr. sleep! How long you alraedy make music? I start at13 years I think... How can I help you, have you gut Ideas? I think you could improve your mixintechnique. In some songs it sounds like your Sounds are in the same soundspectrum. This is difficult for your ear to seperate it... If you seperate any sound, it would give maybe more depth to your sound... This is a good example in my opinion, do you know what I mean? (and this my favorite ambient-artist)

    • we can do a collab if you like to show you some tricks...

    • sounds good! Just keep on with your music and you will improve more and more! You got good ideas, but you need some tecnical input... It takes lot of time to improve! Is important to you use f#different presets, beacuse of the learning aspects. Try to fariate the existing presets and add different fx to fariate and improve the soundquality.

    • also btw brain-walker, I look up to you. Good job on what you've been doing here on AudioTool

    2 more
  • do you like my Round 'A' Bout?

    3 more
  • 3 New Albums releasing soon 💜


  • you should try this Remake Challenge Made By Sparky the Phoenix, the prize is worth it.

  • your finally getting the attention you deserved! i cant believe your only 14 and making this amazing music! dont ever quit your extremely talented!

    • and thank you

    • I don't think I plan to, my mom is pretty supportive in me doing this but no telling what will happen with what will happen.

      Guess I got to just wait and see 💜

  • hi

  • i hope you find some you

  • I am learning how to make music as I go, learning the synths and effects and stuff. I still don't really know what I am doing but I am mostly just 50/50 of knowing and not knowing. Trying my hardest right now to produce tracks and I kind of want to pursue a career in making ambient music and learn how other artists do it.

    Don't know what the future holds but I am just hoping it to be a positive step

    . . .

    Thank you everyone for at least believing in me, Hoping to stay 💜

    • I'll follow in your steps lmao

  • nice pfp

  • could you listen to my new song Adventure plz?

  • "lost in your thoughts, lost in space . . . . .

    . . . . whatever you do, just don't drift to far away"

    - s l e e p


  • can you listen to my new album