
573 Followers 1502 Following Joined about 4 years ago
I'm a DJ/Producer from the US. I livesets for people on streaming platforms and I also produce House with a side of Trance that includes ethereal and dreamy soundscapes. My 'ApoC' project on Audiotool started around 2016, where I was formerly known as DJ ApoCALYpse like a zombie apocalypse since I like survival horror films and video games. I'm supported by many people inside and outside of this website so if you're wondering why I am very talkative then that's why. Hope you all enjoy what I have in store for you this year, next year, and forever beyond that.

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  • I wonder why my wall is inactive. It lessened greatly over the span of a few months. Does it have anything to do with me or are people generally busy?

    • I might as well be more active here. I think it's partially my cause

  • I've been wondering what makes me stand out as a music producer on Audiotool in comparison to producers who have been here forever and still haven't found their spot. Like am I improving or am I left behind? Anyways feel free to leave your critique here because this has been a burning question in my head for a good bit of time

    • I plan to use this as soon as I get some money

  • And I know I've been saying this a lot lately but I'm getting things squared so I can get into a collective or a record label, just something I can be apart of. It may not work out as I plan but that's okay. I'm just trying my best like we all do

  • I finally got Ableton. Though I'm not sure how to set it up and figure out the functions. You can offer to help out if you want, just message me

  • Can we collaborate one day?

  • Does anyone wanna collaborate? I will send my drafts to whomever wants them

    • Already got that covered. Song is almost finished. Can't say with who, it's a surprise and a pretty unexpected collab that you never of thought would happen but did :)

  • we are planning a huge CSC megacollab, wanna join? If you do you can join the collective if you want

  • I'm stepping down from music production for a little while to get more into my DJ hobby. I have a few things I need to take care of first in those ventures, especially because I'm getting offered things to do and me accepting them to further my learning experience. I'll be back though, I'm more inspired to work on my dreams and help others too.

    • If you need me, you know where to find me. See you all there!

  • Do you have a Spotify?

    • Thought of getting it but I need to do better musically because of development troubles

  • I purchased headphones and earbuds that were in the same packaging. Will definitely use those to treat my music quality. I've been wanting to express myself better this way anyways

  • apoc can u check out my latest track and drop some honest opinions

  • Remixing drafts on here is so fun to learn from and understand that person's point of view

    • Haven't done that in a while, but it's important for education. The remix button is AT school.

    • agreed