
408 Followers 235 Following Joined about 8 years ago


i make sound content

continue to support my deadpan ego

you came here only just for irony and shitposting

not for my sound content


healthy nihilism

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  • new accounts made less than an hour ago checking out my stuff and following just to enter the abyss of inactiveness afterwards only exacerbates my overall opinion of this place being dead

    idc if we still get bots but it's still funny checking them out occasionally

  • sound eventually

  • do you do ur own art?

    • non art showcase when?

    • i mostly just shitpost here so nope

      mostly edits at best

      but i do know how to draw well enough

  • Non isn't deescripting

    This is also a trumpet



  • when

  • i forgot the old flash reverb exists nobody probably uses it aaaaaaaaaaaaa

    • i get a lot of dumb mileage off of mostly abusing reverb

    • same for impulse response in probe editor

    • just an extra option on the plate more or less

      not a matter of whether it's better, but specifically what you are using it for and how, or what sounds you want

    1 more
  • aa

  • if i had a dollar for every time renz left audiotool i would probably have enough to order him a casual dinner

    plenty options with these dollar

    • I'm gonna be honest here I haven't really seen anything of elitists and the like

      I've read documents and many threads like these and the problem is still unclear to a ridiculous degree, and what remains are just words and words in the wind

      Sure I may be stupid for not knowing but for reasons I have yet to understand this topic is kept hush hush and between small circles

      Perhaps everyone would understand it more if it weren't this way

    • Honestly stuck here

      Some people are nice and what not but being here is draining mentally for sure. Elitists and what not who think they're better than everyone and gate keep new users from ever going anywhere or help them progress creatively

      Just thankful i was given a second chance

    • i know they are trying to keep this place "active" but it seems like there's not enough real engagement here

    13 more
  • the site really could use a check up still

    i am saying this mainly because i actively see some certain users exploiting bugs to favorite their own tracks and collabs

    definitely would name drop but i'll hold off

  • people are very much fake very yes

  • Thanks for the follow and all the favs

    • you are very much welcome i am just a sound enjoyer

  • audiotool feed just casually breaking on mobile browser moment

  • you probably wouldn't see it in my works here but the only genre i know best fundamentally is hip hop from a producing perspective

  • Hi! If you have some time, may I have your support on this: Shakti

    Do not hesitate to share your best track with me!

    Take care๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜