Fleuve ☮

83 Followers 127 Following Joined about 6 years ago


@Moths with Headphones .


learned helplessness

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  • Rise Riddim - check more Smashi, will certainly add well to your collection

  • u are the bingus

  • I need to sample more and better. (oh how I love illegal activities lol)

  • Thanks for 80 followers. ahem... I have things in the works (some better, some worse) but at least I am not lacking any inspiration. It's the time that is scarce.

  • More dub when?

    1 more
  • Don't you just love it when the bass goes WOMP.

  • Kinda stoked and inspired rn. Only problem is, I have no time. It's always these big plans that don't really come to frution. There's cool things to show, but I gotta wait.

  • How do you like the new Ternion Sound album?

  • Hi!

    I'm doing a Listening Party on Bandcamp 7pm tonight for my new release 'The 7Day EP'

    (That's like 4hrs 30 from posting this, just so you can catch track 1.)

    You can check it here first, see if you like it:

    The 7Day EP (Demos)

    You're welcome to join if you'd like to listen and chat to people at the same time!

    Thank you for reading if you did and apologies for the spam.

    (Follow if you like):


  • Hey there. I won't be able to work on any projects with you for some time now. I really want to help you, but I have too much to do now.

    • As if I was working on music now. I only occasionally drop by, so no worries. I don't even know whether that MWH idea was good to begin with, concerning how rarely we do anything on there. But you have to finish at least some tracks with me there in the future!

  • penis

  • Bababowie.

  • no time - might fit into the dubstep genre, but idk. It sounded like something from your playlist.

  • Honestly very happy to see some spark of attention to what's going on in the reggae tag. Not because of what I made, but because I really want to hear what cool stuff might come from the incredible minds that follow along with the genre. There's a lot of potential and ideas that can be explored, even much more outside my interests in melodic 140 stuff.

    • It's one of the hardest genres on AT, hence people don't make it as often or as well. Doesn't help that we don't have any good reggae type synths to use, they all sound too synthy, which was problem when I was making it. We need some guitars on here, badly, it would be so much easier to make the lesser known genres then

    • There's a certain time of funkiness that isn't really funk you have to have whilst making reggae. It's hard to explain. You need the chill vibes with a semi-soft rock element with it, and of course the vocals are one of the hardest parts, as well as the percussion

    • Sublime especially*

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