Jordi Moragues

521 Followers 114 Following Joined about 11 years ago

Self-taught electronic music enthusiast from Barcelona living in Athens. Former computer animator and currently dance teacher.

==Audiotool projects==

• Audiotool user manual (Flash):

• SPACE Synthesizer user manual:

• Audiotool Resource Collective contributor: @Audio Resource Collective

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  • I appreciate your follow very heavily

  • Merry christmas <3

  • Quick tip: When level matching your final mix (pre-mastering) to your reference track, you should match their RMS levels, not their peak levels.

  • thank you very much for the follow, a very pleasant surprise c: I appreciate it a lot coming from you

  • I need your help. I've entered a remix contest and the most liked track wins. I normally wouldn't ever think of asking on walls like this, but the prize is 500$. I will use the money to fund an album. If you enjoy my music, or have ever been helped by my tutorials and samples, I would super appreciate your support. All you have to do is spend less than a minute to leave a like, and make a soundcloud account if you don't have one.

  • Hi Jordi, I watched this tutorial on YT, it says that we can reverse the sample in the machiniste by switching start and end. I tried but it didn't work. Do you know a way to reverse a sample in the machiniste? Thank you

    • For me it works. Load a sample in a slot, set the Start knob at 100% and End knob at 0%: sample plays in reverse at the hit position. Make sure you don't have some modulation (small knobs underneath) going on that might interfere.

  • What is the best way to mix my vocals on AT without any exterior software?

  • It's useful to think about the Rasselbock as a 5 way splitter whose outputs can be sequenced, mixed and combined with re-sampling effects.

  • Henlo good sir, do you have a discord account?

  • Thank you for the time and feedback, it's greatly appreciated

  • My apologies, didn't see it before.

    • No problem. The Production > Arrangement board is for music arrangement questions. Support > Feature Requests is the place for suggestions about functionality. You can search the board with the field on the right and favourite or comment any topic you want to give it priority.

  • Thank you

  • Bro, how do I contact the moderator ?

    @Niko , again has an account activation problem.

    Please help

  • Best way I found so far to make a mix sound good everywhere: fold it to mono with a Panorama and band-pass it at 1 kHz with a Slope. It will sound like it's coming from a radio. Do the same with a professional reference track in a sound editor like Audacity. Match your mix to the reference (adjust levels, phases and EQ until you can hear everything clearly). Then bypass the "radio" chain. Voilà.

    • The idea is that the low and high end of a mix are usually the most attractive (power and brilliance) but the most likely to suffer or disappear in sub-optimal listening conditions, leaving only the mid range. The mid range is also where most of the perceived loudness of the mix happens, due to the frequency response of our ears. Therefore, a mix with a weak mid range won't generally translate well in most situations. This technique makes sure that you have a solid mid range.

    • Ive heard smthing about eq-ing everything from 500hz and below and 15k(?)hz and up out of track and if you can hear ur basses then that means that it wont sound good thru phones-type speakers

    • really interesting, I have to try this!