Mikel Boyles

616 Followers 111 Following Joined about 13 years ago
Old school style Breaks, techno, and house!

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    • Those were both great but I gotta say, the Pig & Dan set was amazing with the drumcode parts! I know I don't make a lot of music like that, but I LOVE techno in that style!

  • Your music is very relaxing to listen to in the background and zone out

    • I'm glad you enjoy it! That kind of experience is what I aim to create!

  • cant believe all this time i wasnt following

  • 12 years... good lord.. I've been here 6!

    What was your 1st year of Audiotool like? I mean, what was the studio like, interactions, etc. I've always wanted to know.

    *You don't have to answer, I'm just curious by nature lol

    • Don't get me wrong, I think it's a better overall experience these days since there is far more variety in the music and lots of incredibly talented and creative people here but it's just different lol. As for my music during that first year...I'll just say this: there is a reason I deleted almost all of my old tracks! The ones left over are still kinda rough but the other 20ish tracks were basically trash.

    • The studio was not too dissimilar to what it's like now just far fewer tools. Everything was very rough but in a good way. There were guys pushing the engine like the devs, Noraus (RIP), Infyuthsion, Astrum, yas, rnzr, and others I'm missing (because I have swiss cheese memory lol), but it was clearly more of a place to make some tracks and have fun. Far less of a toxic popularity contest like it seems to be now.

  • Ey Boyles :D

  • You really made me want to make dnb lol

    I have like 5 drafts now?

  • Nightfall...

    Good lord.

    That was quite an experience!

    Loved the past, the chords, the break you used and what you did with it.

    Just everything was expertly made, thank you for that!

  • Thanks for listening through my tunes mate. Very much appreciated :)

    • Not a problem. I thought I already had but apparently not!

  • very good stuff here

    • Thank you for taking the time to say that! I really appreciate it.

  • not sure why its taken me so long to follow you back, but i definitely regret not listening to your stuff sooner

    great stuff man!

  • Hey man, you've got some really nice stuff here! will definitely take the time to dive into your tracks

  • Oh damn! thank you for the favs

    • Thank you I really really appreciate it

    • I realized I had just searched the "footwork" and "juke" tags earlier this week but neglected to listen to more of your catalogue. There are a lot of good tracks in there!

  • I see you finally discovered juke music

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