
2203 Followers 243 Following Joined about 10 years ago

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  • very well hahaha, before i moved out i was really in a spot where i desperately needed it and starting uni allowed me to use the dorm that i live in now :) i actually started studying computer science a year prior to that but ended up not liking it at all even though i was good at it - so i took a year off and now i'm studying biomedicine/bioinformatics instead which is really great even though it's a lot more challenging for me

    • so i have much less free time now to do other stuff but overall it's worth it for sure. the subjects are really interesting and the people at my uni are fun to be around as well :)

  • your comment on my wall really made me smile haha, glad to see you still come here! a lot has happened in my life since the last time we talked - i moved out and started uni, which can be a bit stressful at times but overall life is good right now and i'm generally very happy :) how about you?

  • Im always here to check in, my good friend <3 One day I will show ur music to the world.. getting land doing big stuff with growing food and events here in Florida...

  • how do you pronounce it?

    • i'm just some guy who used to make music on here. yo. as for pronunciation you will have to ask my 12-year-old self who made this account, but I assume it's the same as "opacity" but the "c" is like a "k" sound

    • who are you?

  • bro are you still making music? miss u

    • yep still playing around a little privately, but gearing up to make much more music in the near future :)

  • <3 the one time I hide my tracks though..

  • great to hear from you! hope all is well homie.

  • hey! glad to see you back

    • hello :) good to visit every now and then

  • < * / ( ^ % | update | % ^ ) \ * >

    my music dump page:

    i feel like it's good for me to start off not putting too much pressure on myself so i just created this dump so that i can experiment risk-free and if it doesn't want to turn into an actual track i still have somewhere to put it

    i put a few things on there that i created all like 2-3+ years ago, it's basically a discard pile so don't expect my finest work xox

  • it's been a long time since i put anything out, but i'm wanting to bring back the mistwin project now that i'm a bit more settled in my life etc... hoping to be publishing again within the next year ish


    • Yoooooooooo. This reading this has made my day

  • i miss your stuff a lot

  • wow

    • im now heavily inspired by your style

  • your songs are very good

  • i am so glad that i was part of this little universe for the time that i was. i've got a lot of love for the music on here and the folks that made it.

    • it was crazy to me to find out that you were very young when you made all your incredible tracks. and i was only a couple years younger than you at the time and now i still don't make anything that resembles your talent lol

    • When I started audiotool, AT day 2015 by you inspired me so much, in love with that track to this day, you matter and have bigger reach than you know.

    • life is happening, and i've realised that music is not really something i can choose to do, i have to do it. when there is more to share, i'll share it here.

  • Love u friend :) always you will be a musical genius to me at heart.