Edition Audiotool: Season 2014/2015

Total playing time: 4:03:27

The Featured Artist is going on summer vacation:

Our thanks go to 58 great Audiotool artists for their contributions and the work they put in. We'll be back again on 2nd September for the new season.

In the meantime you will find the usual interesting stuff all around Audiotool, electronic - and not so electronic music on our Facebook.

Enjoy the own favorite tracks of the artists featured so far. See you again in a month.

• Tracklist and Descriptions to come

1 Wandering 2888
2 Summoning Wind 1147
3 chequered past 591
4 Inner Eviction 831
5 Abnormal 1332
6 Until the End 4946
7 Audiotea 300
8 Guilt 2509
9 Sleeplessness 1071
10 Chasing Happiness 2741
11 Find a place right here 5962
12 The Acid Truth 672
13 Dirty Dan (Dubstep) 16633
14 Shield Of Fire 1331
15 I Dance Naked 2083
16 U 1814
17 Audiotool Day 2014-CallyKay 1393
18 OLA - OLA ... Audiotool 480
19 Anna 17773
20 Audiotool Day 2014 - Bluedude 6048
21 Girls With Stars For Eyes 1613
22 The Nature 963
23 2 Whom I 1-2 4-GET (No Vocals) 1025
24 high places 2973
25 Someone Said So 1211
26 Blood Runs Cold 327
27 I Think You're Pretty Great 4122
28 Blue Days feat. Emma 4018
29 Tarantula Hawk 770
30 Isolation 491
31 Vivacious Vagabonds 5495
32 In A Trance(the day my son was born) 200
33 ravenshead 695
34 Industrial 942
35 Choices 465
36 Head into space 596
37 Pagan 308
38 Empire 2748
39 ATLAS 1050
40 About time 24381
41 REsurrection 1004
42 Electronic Soul 985
43 Iluntasun 381
44 Coriolis 952
45 four- dimensional space 140

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  • Before the age of synthy...

  • me Gusta

  • mmmm

  • one day i want to be on something like this i know i have the potential! (:

  • wat r thoooose haha im so funny amirite hahah comedy gold right here

  • Oh thanx aringrey

  • <3

  • Thanks AT staff for all you've done; so integral to the way I and many others approach music creation that I can't even convey the importance of this app. Can't wait for live collabs ;)

  • what a true rogues gallery! :) I want to order the four record set.

  • A big thank you to Audiotool for choosing this track in its 2104/2015 compilation.

  • Thanks for the inclusion!

  • a honour to be there

  • @iso.

    I quote: See you next month...

  • No Derrenno? COME ON! Jk :3