At times we ask for extraordinary things to happen in our lives and somehow, deep down, we believe that they will. Someone, somewhere, may have the power to help us – a Guardian Angel perhaps, some spiritual minder, a protector from life’s darker moments.

Such a belief can be a comfort in life, an easy relationship with a world beyond our own. A gentle hand on your shoulder to guide you through, though not away from, the harder times.

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  • Not going to lie I've come back just to listen to the soft orchestral vibes you provided in these tracks, very beautiful! :)

  • I Love the vibe so much

  • you could write sheet music for a church my guy

  • This is really beautiful, Im loving the orchestra in this and the description holds a lot of meaning and matches the track. I agree with the description on this track for real. Also, this has a lot of potential, I mean this is very heart taking

  • Like Dracore said the track is "Heart taking" I fully support this claim and love the description as well you really never fail to amaze me and I like where you're going with a peaceful vibe to your new tracks, I look forward to hearing more like this!

    • The fact that you guys say this is heart taking means a lot, the description is meant to match the vibe and meaning of the track awesome that Im getting your support on that!