Flooding my thoughts. Your presence fills my eye.

And what is left is something I cannot do on my own.

But you may not help me.

Not now, or ever again.

My endless dramatization

Your beloved needs

Cannot get you off my head

But this isn't right

This is not what it is about

Endless thoughts and then nothing

And then her.

She used to talk to me.

She used to like me.

She used to care about me.

But I said things I shouldn't have said and now look at me.

Once again a dreader.

Then I start to care about what others think of me and start filling my own ideas

And what is left then?

The normal people don't want to see.

Your anger.

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  • Sounds Great; I like it.

  • soo wired but good

  • I haven't properly listened to either of these and I need to... never find the time and I'm sorry about that.

    • It's fine lol. You do you, your life is more important than some guy's music

  • this is sick