Unrequited love is possibly the most lonely sort of love a person could feel. This really resonated with me, and since everyone says I never make a song that isn't happy I felt like this would hold you over for a bit. No... I'm not like depressed or anything just really feelin' my feelings...

Hope you enjoyed this!!!

Be Optimistic and Love Chicken

<3 AT

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  • Your pads are always so incredible!

  • Stuff like this is why i will always listen to Cally's stuff. Every once in a while she'll really drop something I dig too much. Great synth work and good tonematrix melody too.

  • Beautiful!

  • Is this the same one you showed me a while back?

    • Lovely either way Callykay :)

  • Damn who hurt you wifey ill cut em up

  • That are some awesome SPACE strings. Really good

  • Really good !

  • Beautiful!

  • Glad to see you're still making music :)