Rocks bounce and push you flying in the air while you try to escape "Mello" the evil kitten who tries to steal all your cookies! Play Squishy Rock Now, Limited Edition Video Game Music!

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  • Hey, not to be rude or anything but this is just... ok... theres pretty much no melody and the quality of it is nothing to look at either. When it comes to melodies, to make one sound good you need it to follow a chord progression, it doesn't have to be complex or anything either, and if you can't come up with one you can just look one up. if you dont have any structure in a song it ends up sounding bad. and for the quality overall, all i can say is to just experiment more with effects and stuff

    • Oh ye, we kinda just whatever came to mind without a real plan. -w-

  • omg

    it charted!

    good job

  • i cant hear :(

    6 more
  • Republished

    We turned down the hi hats.. -w-

  • might wanna turn down the highs of the hats just a bit