Desperate is something that came out, you guessed it, out of me being desperate to make something for everyone to enjoy. Although I have been making music, I have been streaming, it feels like no one enjoys my stuff. They may not enjoy this tune either, but at least I did something. Right?

Being 15 isn't easy, especially when you dream big which probably isn't that realistic. The best thing I can do is continue to strive. Whether people like my stuff or not. I have to find someone that appreciates my work and my intentions. Do you?

(update, I hate to think how recent this was, this was horrible lol. so I'm submitting it for the worst track because that just makes sense)

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  • How could you add this to the Worst Track Scenario?

  • Republished

    i enabled remixes i think

  • It's normal to think like that at your age – I'm nearly 10 yrs older and from experience, my advice is to focus on what YOU do enjoy instead of what others might enjoy. You'll gain an incredible amount of time, energy, happiness and inner peace. Not only in music, for everything in life. I tried the other way and yes, you can gain prestige, fame, wealth, or whatever you're looking for by trying to please others, but if you don't enjoy what you do, you won't enjoy the perks

    • It's ok - it took me many years to figure that out ;)

      If you want to share your music on audiotool, start interacting with the members of the community by listening to their tracks, favoriting and leaving a comment (if you enjoy them ofc) or leave a positive criticism, etc. That kind of stuff. You can also ask for feedback on your tracks to artists creating the kind of music you enjoy. Not everyone appreciate tracks spammed on their wall, so do it with parsimony :)

    • Awh, thank you so much for the heads up. I never looked at it that way if I'm honest. I really would love to share the stuff that I really enjoy with someone else that enjoys but there's multiple moments where I feel incredibly lonely and invalid for my taste, which sucks. Though, you're right, I should value what I feel the most. So, thank you for the kind reminder! :)

    • But you have the time to figure that out while experiencing life, so no worries :)

  • I support you, you think correctly !

  • This is good quality music you can be pround, keep up :~)