didn't know what else to do with this,

tried adding drums but seems a little off beat but for now just dropping it cause oh well.

[might finish some other time]

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  • still not over these sounds

  • these vocal chops are incredible

    • Yeah I feel that haha it's annoying when it just doesn't want to all fit nicely but you managed to pull it off

    • ay appreciate it, i was pretty excited when i worked on em and had everything structured but the drums didn't seem to align well with the vocals no matter where i placed them, so i just left it without em ha

  • Amazing

  • why not let us finish it

    • ha ;]

      mıght stıll add drums, just gotta fıgure a way to put them ın wıthout ıt soundıng too off beat

  • this is so sick i love the whole vibe of this goshhhh