No samples for the bass were used

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  • U callin me out with that desc??

    • Im just meme-ing. Ik wuts goin on. Im not *offended*

    • lmao this is just a misunderstanding. @Perdition what @Client // KUAIM means is towards the ppl who only exports bass sounds which were already made in other daws. No quarrel is needed here :D

    • I just said that because one of the growls sounded like a sample from Serum or something, why are you all attacking me, how was I supposed to know :(

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  • For once, my complaints aren't as much the mixing. Although the growls are poorly arranged and mixed, the song's overall mixing is acceptable. But like... the sound design is extremely sloppy.

  • I love this but the growls need to be more strategic placed

  • those need mega work

  • I like this, but some of the growls places doesnt make too much sense XD

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