Here is the song for the competition you are having :) I hope I did well and, win or loose, I still had lots of fun msking this song! XD

Have a good day, or night!

Brofist! or Brohoof! /) XD

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  • yes :3

  • Holy crap. Was that a guitar in there????? How did you....

  • Thanks! Brohoof! /)

  • sounds good rockinhoof

    brohoof /)

  • Song is called "RockinHoofs Battle"

  • Thx :)

  • well, well, well, this is really nice. i like the way you put this together

  • This is about, me:RockinHoof, Vinyl scratch and Octavia, making a song together. Octavia is the orchestra, vinyl is the drums/dubstep/bass, and i did the guitar/echo/piano XD