I didn't have much time to finish this, so I guess I wouln't say it's really an "entry."

All it's lacking is a drop and some background sounds like arps and chords.

If you think you can use this, you know, add a drop and make it your own, by all means, go ahead.

Stay B-ST!

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  • May remix after this next track coming up.

    ~ Dr. M

  • Attempting Remix

  • This is sick...Luv it!!

  • This is actually pretty cool!

    I never fully listened to it, but now I have!

    (Oh, snap, I'm liking trap even more than before)

  • Thanks!

  • I'm surprised this made it to 4th place; it's not even finished.

  • place 4th

  • This is awesome!

  • invite me m808 ;)

  • if ya wanna invite me, i can make skrillex lasers happen

  • I am thinking about adding more even after the competition, but idk.

  • Dude make a Vip. And add lazers and shit omfg that would it so dope

  • goes hard asf