took inspiration from the good ol' reliable deadmau5. Came out with a bit of a twist to it. Anyhow, hope you enjoy!


I hold my tongue

I let it slide

Forgive and forget its always on my mind

I rushed for a while

Now im waiting for a rush

Just tell me what you really want from me

And tonight

Ill hold you close, close enough to bruise

Ill stare at the stars just for you

Ill dream of when we’re old

If only we could stay young

If only we could stay young

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  • #2 on genre charts. I don't think I ever had anything that high. Neat. Thank you all. :)

  • love the bleeps and bloops, great use of subtle timbre shifts to create change

    • Thank you. I took the inspiration from deadmau5. His use of synth filtering is genius, creating change on otherwise fairly plain tracks. Stuff can evolve for 8 minutes and you won't get bored.

  • :O

  • I like this a lot, the minimal feel really works

  • Its nice but the only problem ironically are how unsynced the vocals are

    Which as someone who did remix as well I know its kind of a pain to work with, but to go for a house style remix where the majority of the elements are heavily quantized and are mostly devoid of any swing except for that one lead arp and a few bleep bloops, to lets the vocals just rock with whatever timing they end up with as much as they do is bold to say the least

    • Anyways, enough excuses from my end, I heard the issues damn well, decided not to care. I'll edit vocals more in the future.

    • I mean, yeah I could've worked more on the vocals for sure. I tried to make sync them up a bit more, but ngl I was getting lost because of how much I had to zoom in. Originally only focused on the verse vocals that rhythmically worked OK, but that would've gotten bland. Also, I get that criticism with the swing, but deadmau5 really doesn't have a lot of swing in his tracks overall.

    • But I get that you're just working with what we were given so it is what it is

  • LMAO we both did something deadmau5 inspired

  • Got lazy, didn't quite know where to bring this further.