**UPDATE**10/1/13 8:16AM USEast

Misspelled my own name... embarassing, but thats the only change(I'm not Delaer C, it's Dealer C).

**UPDATE**10/1/13 7:30AM USEast

Addded a bit of a finisher to more or less have a finished feel. For now... Ill call this track done unless I hear something odd in the waveform after overwriting the WIP

I want to say this isnt "complete" and clean, but this was fun to work on after a HUUUUUUGE hiatus from Audiotool for priorety reasons. I'll finish this as soon as possible. Kinda cool to know I still know my way around Audiotool(lol).

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  • LOL wow... how did i misspell my own Audiotool name... I'll fix that now.

  • Some open notes: *a ghostly wail synth could be cool maybe *seeing the waveform, levels are peeking a bit so adjust in levels are needed*the yoy/vox bass is tough to make clean XD