I wanted to make a track, that sounds like an old computergame-music. When I was a teen, I spent nights to play some games on the Commodore C64. This is a tribute to this good old time...


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  • Hey, can I use this song in the game me and my friend are making. I'll mention you in the credits and the links to the song(s).

    p.s. My friend asked to use your Full-Bit song and you accepted, so I checked out your other songs and found this one, and thought it was good.

    • thanks!

    • Yes of course! It would be nice if you use it!

      Let me know, if you need some special version of this or a track ;-)

    • This person be ma friend... His name be キラードルフィン which translates into killer dolphin

    1 more
  • this one still makes me smile. that maintheme is a blast

  • level up!

  • any genre you make...you never disappoint me :)

  • agree with frigo ;)

  • This sounds like some kind of mixture between 8-bit music and 80th retro music. Cool! :)

  • Awesome job man,,,nice one! ;)

  • good job man!!

  • Unbelievable - this one is in the Top24 of the Moogfest-Contest!!!

  • Thanx a lot bro!

  • oh shit i missed this one ! nicely done mate ! remind me so much vintage games ost

  • nice chippy

  • man!!! Good sounds! I love the basslines! The chips from 1:00 is awesome! The percs start at 1:55 are good!

  • lol this sounds classic

  • Republished

    just add a little bit more stereo...