When I was younger, after seven years of sudden absence, my father reappeared in my life. He gave me $100 dollars and three CD's all labeled "Joints." It was the best day of my young life.

I went home, popped them in my six-CD changer and listened to repeat. Three songs, then ten, then thirty-seven. Thirty seven songs later, my face was sullen.

I deleted the ones I did not like, leaving me with three tracks.

I listened again on repeat.

I wondered if he had ever thought of me while he made these tracks. He rapped and I listened.

I wonder today, if music meant to him what it means to me.

I've long since forgiven. But every now and then, Dad's tapes finds themselves vibing in my mind. After all, I am his blood.

Thank you everyone that made this memory possible. My dad collaborated with alot of people on his tapes, so I thought I'd do the same.

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  • one of the best things on this site. RE. FAV.

  • refav

  • damn this is crazy

  • I've always loved this !

  • I hope that one day, I can make a track this good

  • Never really finished this one, but after finishing I can tell lots of love and heart was put into this by all the contributors. You all had a goal, and that goal was met. Absolutely breathless.

  • man this song is really dope

  • Awesome track, y'all. Star collab right here. :-)

  • the first 1/2 of this song got me MADDD loungin......

  • holy crap dem percs are soooo dope

  • this is criminally good

  • Oh this is just... beautiful. I'm so impressed by your touching sound and words...

  • Nice collaborative effort. My dad came out of nowhere when I was in 4th grade and bought me some CD's and Manga too.

  • yoooooooooooooooooo wow, beautiful

  • That last part... the vltra-type chord goes surprisingly well with the jace-y perc