We are all familiar with the Webb telescope, well, familiar is a bold verb in this case, given the complexity of the technology used.

We know it by reputation.

The images released in recent months are extraordinary and we are just at the beginning.

Human beings have always been on the hunt for information about the universe they inhabit, a universe so vast and complex that it is beyond our intellectual capabilities. Perhaps only the most complex mathematics and physics can come close to the truth, or perhaps only feeling and dismay.


A place in your life where you can understand the consequences.

A place in your life where you can learn from your past.

A place in your life where you can find your best energies.

My friend, here I can feel no distance

and I am, more or less, well conscious of an energy we cannot measure and of lengths we cannot imagine.

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  • This is great! The vocals are a bit too loud from 1:10 onwards, given the reverb drowned sound. Really love the beat, the sound design and the melody tho

    • Fix it thanks

    • Sorry, I should've worded myself better. I really like those vocals. It reminds me a lot of Dodecahedron's stuff, which I really like. Matter of fact, I've worked with that sound as well, hence I focus on it so much. My only criticism is that they get too loud, swallowing up the rest of the mix a bit. You could either keep the vocals at that volume and reduce the reverb, or preferably lower them a bit in general and maybe eq the reverb separately.

    • The vocals are complicated, I wanted to make them more ethereal, as if they came from distant spaces. Try to work on it, thank you for your advice

  • Very nice !

  • Dude I love this atmosphere

  • oh yes i totally dig the description

  • Great one Mir

  • not from this planet