"EW THAT KICK DRUM" was made using only a kick drum sample. This is the sequel, made using my least favorite hat sample of mine, TF_synthHH. At least this sample isn't used nearly as much as TF Basskick.

In the previous track, TF Basskick is a convenient sample that consisted of low and high frequencies, which made tones easy to create. On the other hand, TF_synthHH consists only of highs, so using filter resonance won't create tones lower than 1000 Hz. To solve the bass problem, Rasselbock speed was used to lower high-pitched sine waves. Aliasing and sample rate conversion and the noisy nature of the hat caused the "synths" to be less clean than desired.

Hats: TF_synthHH

Kick drum: TF_synthHH

Snare: TF_synthHH

Toms: TF_synthHH

Crash-ish: TF_synthHH

Noise: TF_synthHH

Arp lead: TF_synthHH

303-ish: TF_synthHH

Bass: TF_synthHH

Pad: TF_synthHH

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  • how?!

  • refav

    and it's just a friggin hat ugh

  • 69th fav :3

  • This is better trance than I can ever make.

  • There needs to be level higher than all-caps exclamation. THIS SIMPLY DOESN'T CAPTURE THE WAY THIS MAKES MY EARS FEEL

  • w...all made from one sample??? now i'm impressed.

  • Impossibru!!!

  • *ahem* amoeba, you have been miiiindfuuuucked :D

  • no wai...this does not compute...... :O


  • wow, the setup looks like a spiderweb if wires O_O

  • Why can you make trance with one sample and I can't make trance with and entire farm and three ghost producers

  • Who even needs synths man. Pfff.

  • OMG

  • with a kick ok but with a hat ^^ it's hardcore