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  • Wow! Love this!!!!!!

  • this deserve a second fav ;)

  • Olondro style <3

  • thanks...for sure its weird,...!

  • i think the synth from the beginning doesn't fit the track. not as organic sounding as the rest of the synths, and maybe a little out of tune. I love everything underneath. it's truly a great track in there :)

  • hmhm why I cant submit this

  • Uff now this on is great.I love that melancholic atmos sound at the first part of the track, and maybe You could make it appears in other part.However it is a great tune that deserves to be submited to contest ;)

  • Ideal energy for dancing and drinking my coffee!

  • tune :o)

  • Lovely stuff mate!

  • Meh, no download?

    This is class. Really enjoyed it.

  • Nice trip!

  • ist doch ganz geil!

  • ja die schmeiß ich raus warsch

  • ok ich gebs zu. diese kleine melodie ist kacke, aber der rest ist wirklich sehr geil.