Cover Credit:

Thb I had no clue about what to put for the tag. lol Also I realize that the second half of the first drop needs work, but what you don't realize is that I'm lazy af and I don't want to do too much work so.... Yea.

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  • Run the track through quantum for a limiter

    Don't use the limiter on the master output cuz it sounds like ass

    Anyways, very good track! Super cool material right here. Keeps working on your mixing and mastering. I stress this: when mixing, don't use the gain on the synth if you can help it. Use the gain on the last limiter or eq. When you change the gain on the synth, it can really mess with your effect chain, especially if you use distortion.

  • wow you have a lot of potential

    • Thanks! I couldn't have made something like this without the help of Stormdrain's tips.

    • this is really cool