if you said this is good i got some experience incomming in the next day ...:) from here it's sound like WOW but my ear and the bees wax you know ? lol that's block the canal and dang it...... what did you said ?....

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  • how did you set up the mic?

  • ic your point Ryan ...i am not a guitar player ..i need to learn how to play ...and i am slow at i record moslty everything that i do ..i may use that random plucking somehow in here and pick only the bes tpart to build something out of it ...if you listen at does beat have done thi spast day there is some sound i have record a longtime a go ....you never know what your going to need ..:)

  • unfortunately u gotta spend money for the sound. i like your guitar, i would like to hear more chords and less.... idk random plucking. keep at it tho huge potential. Create a bass to go with it :)

  • cool

  • Oo ZOD4X thx i will trust you ...

  • not bad sounding at all