Got a little bit of techno goodness for you here as my entry for the HOME OFFICE competition. For all the bad things the lockdown has brought, it has meant I have been able to re-explore one of my passions, making music! Thank you Audiotool team for putting this competition together :) Now onto the project, which begin with a template drum beat and square wave pulv.


This Is 90% pulv and 10% oneshot with a compressor and automation to make sure they have their own space. I use second pulv as a white noise source and run it through a ring modulator modulated by the bassline. This gives the bass a buzz/crunch at the top-end in places. Next I discovered how useful filter key-board tracking is, this is used at 2:05 for a more staccato sound.


The drums have a simple 4/4 rhythm so I tried to add variation using the rasselboc, pitch shifting the high hats among other bits and bobs. I use with the "sends" function in the centroid to send the percussion through a pulsar decay and some reverb which is then fed back into the centroid. You'll get a warning here that there is a loop in the circuit but it's only a potential issue if you then use the send function on this output as well, as this creates a feedback loop. But it's fun to live a little dangerously so I do this anyway and get a washed out reverb effect on the percussion.


One pulv does most of the heavy lifting in this project, doing both the bassline and also the plucks. For the remaining synths, I went for quite a spooky sound with lots of reverb and filtering, plus a bit more ring modulation thrown in.

Cover picture credit to Daniel Dreibelbis for his amazing math visualisations

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  • How did I missed that...

  • very deep sound, love the wavy gloomy vibe :)

  • Groovy, and your sound design is impeccable.

  • Listening on Spotify. Your pads are so smooth, as always.. Envious of the craft

  • This is crazyyy

  • Expansive! Would sound great on a big rig!

  • stunningly good. I don't even usually listen to techno but this is incredible. Congrats on fourth!

  • lovely track

  • how do you get those covers they're amazing

    • yay thanks

    • I've added a link to the creator. It's a visualisation of some fancy math

  • Love this. Glad you took your time. The results are amazing

  • great work doc, very polished

    • lack of creativity? Lies have been told that day

    • "very polished" literally how I disguise my lack of creativity every time haha

  • heat

  • Good werk dude

  • Republished

    little edit, some dubby chord were jumping out at you

  • Absolutely cracking work my dude!