a preview of my current project :V

I would REALLY appreciate some constructive criticism, specifically on pacing (sections too short/long/boring af, etc), and the frequencies (that bass is giving me a hard time).

Thanks in advance!

Inspiration for this:


.Danger (newest EP)

.RL Grime I guess, but I haven't been listening to him

.Bonobo's new track Kerala (hype!)

Full version will be out in the next two weeks but no promises cuz finals are a'comin.


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  • Love the hihats, don't change them:~)

  • Did that full version ever happen?

  • Great bass and switch up at the end!

  • lost for words

  • This is really damn good, the quality is outstanding, play around with the perc panning more; could be a way in bringing out the percs that Aura was talking about.

  • The transitions seem to be absolutely stunning (expected from you at this point) I would suggest bringing out those stunning percs out just a tad as they seem to get a bit lost in some areas. However, as far as legitimate criticism, you really don't need any because this is absolutely brilliant.

    • Only because you spoil me with your elegant composition c;

    • you spoil me ;)

      i'll take a listen to those percs again tho

  • ooooOOoOOo