Heavenly Father, please take dominion over this nation once again. Place your Hand of Protection over all its citizens wherever they may be. Protect this country's borders, its natural resources and all freedoms. Reconcile the soul of this nation with your Divine Will. Inspire each citizen to pursue peace.

* Our Lady comes holding the Mournful Heart. Floating in front of Her is an unrolled scroll of paper. I can't read it, but I know in my heart it is the Chaplet of the Mournful Heart. She says: "Praise be to Jesus." *

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  • it is a little simple so i had to put some effort into the rasselbock at the melody and slicing the bass sample to keep it enjoyable, glad you liked Sharky :D

  • great track! didn't expect that beat, which is cool, with the beginning. really like it, the bass sweet bass starting at 1.30 juts bring even more depth to the track. great job