IDK what i was going for here...

Hey everyone. Thought now would be a great time for a remix contest.

The only rules are to stick to the melody. It doesnt have to be the exact same melody, you can add to it, take notes out, or tweak and add effect devices, it just has to be recognizable.

You are allowed to use presets and samples but I will admire remixes without samples more than the ones with them. (oneshot samples like snares and hats are ok, an already made beat or melody is what I mean)

You can keep this track progressive or turn it into any genre you want. Trap or Dubstep will impress me.

There will be one winner but five remixes will be recognized in an album. The prizes for remix competitions are in my bio

And before I get roasted in the coments, I know the beatbox8 sucks I just used it to make an example beat.

Deadline is September 1st. Goodluck :)

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