comment any suggestions , thanks.

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  • Don't call yourself a newbie!

    That's counterproductive!

    :) Nice work

  • :) !

  • thats cool man wish you guys the best and reggae like DUB? if its reggae dude Tyburn is def the man to talk and ask about that he has helped me i did a crappy job on some dub but hey it was a first and all i can do is keep trying

  • me and 8 bit are trying to put together a electronic reggae lol so well see how this works out as well... we could use some tips and pointers and stuff well ttyl

  • sure man no prob

  • skype tomorrow?

  • no prob bro night

  • yah thanks much ! i'll check into it. sorry would say more but i'm like half asleep and barely making it.

  • im not dissing on the whole open up and track and check it out i just know personally that is hard sometimes just if you can find one you dont understand open another and i have a few templates on different matters... oh and syntax is a wonderful person to talk to on complextro she is the one who taught me she has a template that is very basic that may can help you out

  • damn cant believe 8bit knew it was simplex :D hehe makes me happy 8bit your awesome :D but yeah opening up tracks can help a lot also however i found when i first started that it can be very complex at first to open something that has alot going on and trying to understand it can be even harder so of my tracks are very basic designed where other would be a bit difficult to follow along but yea asking questions can help alot and

  • If I may add something on Simplex's feedback, when you start doing music on a new program, you should open other people tracks (with the remix option) and just take a look under the hood, trying to understand the usefullness of each synth or fx in the whole thing. And if you dont understand something, ask !

  • I completely understand what your saying sometimes I just get bored of working on certain songs cause I get tired of hearing it over and over again It makes my brain numb. so I get lazy quick finish it and publish... which probably isn't the best idea ever

  • i think what you may want to consider is what kinda of genera would you like to work on and start from there im really only good with dubstep and im still learning electro/complextro but if i can help you or i know someone who is good in the style you end up choosing i will try to put in a good word for you with that person and maybe they will be able to help ;) ttys bro keep up the good work

  • and like i said b4 if i can help you i will oh one more thing you do a pretty good job and EQing your tracks as far i can see all it takes it practice and you will get it i see you have not been on long and any kind of encouragement that i can give you to help you keep expanding i will id love to know iv helped someone and see them grow

  • anyways bro we will work on something soon no worries i know you got some skills alot of ppl do try to get better and i see that you are will to try and you are getting better and i have mad respect for that :)