Now tell me. Who decided that society decides what is right? Who decided that if you do anything different than what has been done the past century you mus be dangerous? This is a song for aveyone who has to do things alone, because if you don't, who will?

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  • Thanks guys. I'm changing up my style a lot. Hopefully and improvement

  • This is so good!Great work!

  • Kool sentiments and Music

  • I fixed the bass. used a sdetune which helped a little with how rough it was.

  • haha thanks. I think you'd like Ketram's style. It's sort of like this, but better. Go check him out too.

  • Thanks! The big bass part in the second half didn't come out as clear as I wanted it, but changing the freq made it muddied, so I've decided that I'll just edit that part later in some fashion. but thanks!

  • love the arps!

    Really nice track you have here. The bass is great as well!

    Love it :)