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  • Holy crap this track is making me go crazy. Gonna remix this probably

    • I just remembered this convo. Andre had found an issue with limiter that caused clicking on rendering sometimes! It's been resolved and I've tested it on my drafts. Let me know if it still persists in your cases.

    • i remember a similar issue with the bitcrusher. the sound is different to the studio when uploading sometimes if you use the bitcrusher. the sample rate is the cause

    • would be good to have a clear easy to reproduce case

    10 more
  • He has a unique style

  • the pulvs are dancing

  • I swear, I always love your sound design. Just the sound you get from the pulv is always so nice

  • this feels like a starting point.

    waiting in a lobby after leaving my life behind

    im being invited somewhere by something mischievous, but not evil persay

    curious with reckless innocence

    invited into their world, only to lose myself in their folly

    • Thank you for listening and imagining. I cherish your writing <3

  • Good music

  • man you're amazing

  • Love your ingenuity :)

  • very cool setup!

  • this is yes

  • going to save money on heating this winter because this makes me feel warm and cosy

  • Only Pulvs...? Open mouth!

    Maybe I should leave my try for the ATD in the drawer...

    • ahaha don't be a coward